Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Difference between Pornography to Erotica

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Did you sit down and think for a second what's the difference between pornography and erotica? 

Many people think that there is no difference at all and the 2 notions are the same,
but they are wrong - I'm talking about 2 different manners of sexuality.

Pornographic sexuality includes only body parts and nothing else matter, 
on the other hand - Erotic sexuality includes humans.

The porno industry sometimes very cruel and without feelings, The only things that
interest the producers of the sex movies are external beauty and the quality of body
parts, just like in a butcher shop.

Porno movies are the classic example for disengagement of pornographic 
sexuality from emotional, romance or human connection.

The body parts in porno/sex movies must be bigger, smoother, well shaped,
muscular, and sexier, otherwise - these movies won't be sold.

In contrast, the erotic sexuality is based more on the emotional an desire
manners of people, in addition - the body parts don't have to be perfect.

As part of the erotic sexuality, the naked body symbolizes nearness,
openness and passion, beside that - the stripping, usually, more irritating than 
the nude itself.

The erotic sexuality is always part of wider intimacy accompanied by emotions, 
while the pornographic sexuality, usually, accompanied by emotionless alienation
as with robots.   

We use pornographic sexuality, whereas we participate in the erotic 

The pornographic sexuality uses the body parts for mass entertainment and
takes away their humanity.

Although the pornographic sexuality allows a room for passion of the other
person,  it uses that passion  for control or provocation.

On the other hand, the erotic sexuality enjoys the passion and pleasure of
others, without uses them for the pleasure itself. In other words,  in the erotic
sexuality we participate in the stimulation, without use it to provoke.

In that case (the erotic sexuality), there isn't mutual genital use, but a shared
enjoyment of passion arising from the body.
The desire and arousal arise from the beauty of the body itself without having
sexual intercourse.

The erotic sexsuality follows the passion and arousal, whereas the
pornographic sexuality tries to provoke them by force.  

The erotic sexsuality follows the passion and emotion, and the will to closeness
and touch provoke the arousal in an infinite loop.

The possible consequence of that formula is the orgasm, but whereas in
pornographic sexuality the orgasm is the goal , in erotic sexuality the orgasm is
small & less important part of the process.
Meaning- In pornographic sexuality we've to reach orgasm, whereas in erotic
sexuality we don't have to reach orgasm at the end.

The pornographic sexuality doesn't follow the passion, but tries to provoke it by
 force, so at porno movies almost everything is kosher on the way to achieve the
goal and the alienation overcomes intimacy and humanity, just for stimulate and
tease as much as possible anyone who watches these movies eventually.

In summary, in pornographic sexuality- the goal is more important that the 
way and the process itself, whereas in erotic sexuality- the process and the
way are much more important than the goal at the end of the process. 

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